

Artikel-Code: EHFOG
My Story This book tells the story of a young couple who, perceiving the chaos of present-day civilization, went on a world trip with the desire to not return until they had found a better way of life and its true meaning. This book weaves together two dimensions – a truly fascinating life story an..
CHF 22.50
NettoCHF 22.50
Verlag / Marke: Inword Publishers Artikel-Code: EAIND
In Aindra – Kirtan Revolution, the reader hears Aindra’s story through his own words and through the words and perspectives of his family, friends, followers, and associates. The book tracks Aindra from his childhood on a farm in the Blue Run Mountains of Virginia through his early days in Washingto..
CHF 27.90
NettoCHF 27.90
Verlag / Marke: Lotus Imprints Artikel-Code: EBTV
Srila Prabhupada's final lila This is a riveting, poignant account of Srila Prabhupada’s last weeks in Vrindavan by Hari Sauri Dasa. The narration begins on September 29, 1977, when Hari-Sauri landed at the Bombay airport, in India for his one-month stint as Prabhupada’s visiting GBC. When Hari-Sau..
CHF 18.00
NettoCHF 18.00
Artikel-Code: EBLKI
A garland of 108 melodies to enliven the heart and soulThis is a collection of popular melodies for singing the Hare Krishna mantra, all with the music scores. It was inspired by observing the immense popularity of kirtan events, and the realisation that, for many people, it is difficult to play the..
CHF 34.20
NettoCHF 34.20
Verlag / Marke: College of Vedic Studies Artikel-Code: EBKBH
The Constant Companion – A Summary Study of Srimad-Bhagavatam How do we navigate in this world, which sometimes seems so alien? How do we identify our purpose and satisfy our innermost yearning? How do we deal with the emotions, experiences and events of day-to-day life?For that, Krishna lends us a..
CHF 18.90
NettoCHF 18.90
Artikel-Code: EBNM
The Encyclopedia of Krsna's Names • The Sweetest Names of KrsnaThis book offers an exclusive and comprehensive collection of over 1000 Names of Kṛṣṇa in Braja, carefully compiled from more than 50 Gauḍīya-Vaiṣṇava-śāstras, including the 10th canto of the Śrīmad Bhāgavata. Each name is presented with..
CHF 19.80
NettoCHF 19.80
Artikel-Code: ECHRHS
Shyamasundar Das (Sam Speerstra) was one of Bhaktivedanta Swami’s earliest disciples, helping him shape the Krishna Consciousness movement in the Haight-Ashbury district of San Francisco, in London, and then, as the Swami’s personal secretary, he traveled with Prabhupada in India, Russia, and all ov..
CHF 89.10
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Artikel-Code: ECHRH3
Volume Three is Shyamasundar’s most exciting first-hand account yet of Bhaktivedanta Swami’s mystic powers, his life without any error! Along with 290 rare photos, thrill to Prabhupada’s unbending energy, his uncanny intelligence, his superhuman acts, his revelation of the deepest ancient secrets – ..
CHF 31.50
NettoCHF 31.50
Verlag / Marke: Bhaktivedanta Book Trust Artikel-Code: EIESS
Evolve Your Vision – Change Your World This book invites you to evolve your vision and base your happiness on a deeper, more spiritual understanding of reality. It addresses life’s big questions like what is the soul, who am I, what is the mind and how does it influence me, what happens when we die..
CHF 10.80
NettoCHF 10.80
Verlag / Marke: Lal Kiado Artikel-Code: EKS
Krsna in Vrindavana - Volume Three: Meetings with Krsna In Seinen Spielen trennt sich Krsna von Seinen Geweihten und trifft sich wieder mit ihnen. Die Zeiträume, in welchen die Gefährten Krsna's von Ihm getrennt sind, sind keine isolierten Ereignisse. Um den Geschmack des rasa (der liebevollen Emot..
CHF 48.60
NettoCHF 48.60
Artikel-Code: ESOTS
The West Coast Days • The European Yatra • The Radha-Damodara PartyServant of the Servant is a colourful multi-faceted portrait of the founder of the Hare Krishna Movement, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and of the movement which he established, as seen through the eyes and act..
CHF 21.60
NettoCHF 21.60
Verlag / Marke: Lal Kiado Artikel-Code: ESVK2
Krsna in Vrndavana - Vol. 7Volume Two of Śrī Vilāpa-kusumāñjali covers verses 18-32, as we become privy to Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī’s personal quarters, and her morning time duties; bathing, dressing and ornamentation. Raghunātha Dāsa Gosvāmī is absorbed in meditation on how he, as Rati-mañjarī, aspires to..
CHF 108.00
NettoCHF 108.00
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