
The Bhagavatam Family Tree (Poster)

The Bhagavatam Family Tree (Poster)
The Bhagavatam Family Tree (Poster)

Hochwertiges Poster

A short description of the Family Tree of the Srimad-Bhagavatam, simplified diagram with 108 names, contains all the kings and sages of whom you find a story in the Bhagavatam. The chart is detailed in 8 colors according to the Canto in which the story of the king or sage can be found. The text on the bottom of the poster is in English language.

Format: Höhe 29.5 cm x Breite 42 cm

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Ungenügend Sehr gut
  • Lager: Vorrätig
  • Artikel-Code: LPBFT
  • Gewicht: 0.03kg
  • Euro-Preis: 11,70
  • Sprache: English
CHF 12.60
Netto CHF 12.60