
Sri Vilapa Kusumanjali - Vol. 1, Sivarama Swami

Sri Vilapa Kusumanjali - Vol. 1, Sivarama Swami
Sri Vilapa Kusumanjali - Vol. 1, Sivarama Swami

Krsna in Vrndavana - Vol. 6

I offer my respectful obeisances unto the lotus feet of Śrī Raghunātha Dāsa Gosvāmī, who, in his unwavering desire to please Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī, disclosed the contents of his heart by composing this plaintive flower-offering of prayers, Śrī Vilāpa-kusumāñjali.

The service of Vṛndāvana’s residents is the ultimate teaching of the Vedas and the ultimate spiritual attainment. Devotees desirous of attaining this spontaneous loving service must both follow the inhabitants of Vraja and engage in service to the Vraja-vāsīs.

This jewel of Gauḍīya Vaiṣṇava literature, Śrī Vilāpa-kusumāñjali, represents Raghunātha Dāsa Gosvāmī’s ultimate fulfilment of Lord Caitanya’s instruction to him to write books for future generations of devotees to teach them the process of attaining that goal, and ultimately service to the lotus feet of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī.

Exquisitely presented with 4-colour, high-quality paper, gilt-edged and with original artwork, this book is truly literary and visual art, a unique and beautiful production that takes the reader on a magnificent journey with Raghunātha Dāsa Gosvāmī and Rati-mañjarī into the intimate and longed-for world of service to the lotus feet of Śrīmatī Rādhārāṇī.

All glories to the glistening touchstone seated in the crown of the personified Vedas, Śrī Vilāpa-kusumāñjali, the devotional radiance of which pierces the heart’s deepest recesses and awakens a desire to become the object of a gopī’s mercy.

640 Seiten, fadengebunden, mit Lesebändchen, Goldschnitt

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Ungenügend Sehr gut
  • Lager: Vorrätig
  • Verlag / Marke: Lal Kiado
  • Artikel-Code: ESVK1
  • Gewicht: 1.45kg
  • Abmessungen (L x B x H): 23.50cm x 15.80cm x 4.60cm
  • Euro-Preis: 99,00
  • Sprache: English
CHF 108.00
Netto CHF 108.00